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attendance officer (檢查學生出勤情況的)校紀檢查官 (= truant o...


A one - hour detention and an in - school interview with parents is arranged between parents / student and attendance officer . student and parents may be placed on contract with the school 1小時的思過,學生家長到校見考勤負責人和學生處主任。學校視情況要求學生、家長簽定特殊協議。

A failure to attend a detention will result in a report being made to the attendance officer and a one hour detention will be considered 教師應把未按要求思過的學生情況反映給學生處,未思過的學生將被給予1小時的思過。

A detention up to one hour and the student calls his / her parents in the presence of the attendance officer 1小時的思過,學生在考勤負責人監督下自己打電話知會家長。

Attendance officer truant officer 學校中負責調查曠課的職員